Wednesday, December 17, 2008


In love.

I met the guy of my DREAMS yesterday. I don't know his name and he is too old for me, but he is a momo with me and he has such musical talent. (it is such a turn on for me when a guy can play piano or sing amazing.) and I mean turn on not in a after marriage type of way it just means I like him. so I just wanted to let you guys know I fell in love. lol. Again.
bye guys.

Friday, December 12, 2008

I am amazing and unstoppable.

In class for the past week we have been writing stories about pictures she shows us. i was really suprised when my paragraph or two turned out as good as it did and I wanted to share it with you. The picture was of a farming fence with a chain that was locked EIGHT TIMES around the fence gate so nobody could get through it so here it goes.."everything in life. Everything. The goals I want to reach, the answers that I seek, Everything in life tells me no. When opportunity comes knocking there are three dead bolts on the door. Two steps forward is like two steps back. If I want to get through a fence there is a locked chain around the gate. So you know what I do? I learn how to hop a fence; It is a beautiful skill. I can jump over the locked gate, concrete my feet to the steps I take, and if the door is dead bolted jumping out the window sounds kinda fun. Life can't and won't stop me from pursuing my dreams amd I will work and overcome everything that tells me no, because I am strong, determined, and have the will power that nobody has ever seen. I will make it. I don't know where I am going, but I will make it there. I refuse to be locked out." If you don't like it whatevs but if you do like it don't try to copy it because i copyrighted it already. so there. lol. don't think I'm a loser but i am just proud of it. kk . Heart you guys. bye.